Thursday, August 14, 2008

Georgian, Russian Officials Deny Russian Tanks Moving to Tbilisi

Eka Zguladze, the Georgian deputy interior ministe, has strongly denied reports that Russian tanks were rolling towards the capital Tbilisi.

"I'd like to calm everybody down. The Russian military is not advancing towards Tbilisi," she said.Davit Bakradze, the chairman of the Georgian Parliament, has also denied the report.

The report has also been denied by the Russian General Staff of the Armed Forces. And Dmitry Peskov, the Russian government’s spokesman, told CNN that the convoy was not moving towards Tbilisi and also added the Russian forces had never had such plans.

CNN correspondent on the ground reported earlier today that he was observing a Russian military convoy moving on a road from Gori towards Tbilisi. The correspondent later reported that the convoy stopped but it was not unclear what the intention of the Russian forces was.

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